Twitter – The New Smart Era? Follow Me

Farah K

Twitter - The New Smart Era? Follow Me

It’s been so long that I see and hear Twitter, Twitter and Twitter. It seems like everyone has been twittered since its arrival. So i decided to give Twitter a go – Follow Me!.

What Twitter is

– A micro blogging system, you can only write a maximum of 140 charactors with no formatting. It’s just plain text messages, like an SMS.

– A place to let others know “what you are doing“. You can update others on anything you want, or about things you are doing in real time.

– Modes of interaction with Twitter can be done in several ways:

1) Your mobile phones

2) Gtalk

3) 3rd Party Twitter clients

4) Facebook Apps

5) Other apps created by so called “Twitter Fans”..etc

The Creator Of Twitter Are Smart Guys

At first, I thought Twitter was just another piece of crap. But as I tried to understand it, I saw some incredible ingenuity behind it. It has been devised with much thoughts and it will produce a great impact in the marketing world and the alikes. It is a platform nourishing and growing potential clients for financial gains, just as facebook (who is already a big honeycomb for advertisers). And there are so many other things which will amaze us very soon as the community grows, trust me on that! Hats-off to the creators.. There’s so many good lessons to learn from Twitter.

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Twitter Better Than Facebook

I will say that the “technology” and the “philosophy” behind Twitter excels that of facebook in many ways. I will not explore all these facets in this article, but may be in a future posts soon..

Twitter does only one thing, it just asks you a simple question “What are you doing?“. And this question is enough to create an addiction and an urge of communication from people.

One thing which strikes me is that, Twitter has documented cleanly and openly its API. This is a tremendous thing. Meaning along with it, anyone truely interested with working closely with Twitter, will benefit along the surge, as it goes..

How Does Twitter Work

You just need to be followed and to follow. The “Follow Me” means that anyone “following” you, will see your updates and messages. And in turn you can see their updates by following them. It’s basically a one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many relationship which can develop. Another thing is that, unlike an email, you will not be bogged down with spams, junks or any such things. You just select who to follow and when not too..etc. If you want to follow, it’s cool, if you don’t want to follow no one will urge you.. Just Chill!

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How Is Wakish Doing On Twitter

For the time being, I don’t have anything planned as to how Twitter can benefit or help me. But so far, I see most people posting updates of their blogs, some doing sales, advertising while others just updating their “followers” about their real life actions.

But one thing is for sure, don’t sell on Twitter! It’s not meant for this as far as I have observed the interface and the aim behind. If you are going to sell, good bye to your audience!

Follow me on Twitter, and I will be very happy to follow you as well. Let’s see how things will turn out.



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