Bloggers Should Polish Their Old Posts – Old Is Gold!

Farah K

Bloggers Should Polish Their Old Posts - Old Is Gold!

As part of your blogging activities, you should take some time to maintain your blog. Everything needs a special consideration to be productive in the long run.

The most common mistake that some bloggers do, is to neglect old posts. Once written, we get a feeling that “this” post is now the past and we are yet eager and preoccupied by “how to come up with new wonderful ideas” for the incoming days, months, years..

Old Is Gold

The best thing to do, is to polish your old posts which get the most number of hits. To deduce your elite posts, use your Awstats, sitemeter or any tool that you use to monitor traffic on your blog. This is one of the important reason of why you should use such a traffic monitoring tool.

Why Should You Bother To Polish Your Old Posts?

Some of you might be wondering why to waste your free time doing such a time consuming activity when you could just concentrate your energy on new posts. Well, let’s try to make you change your mind

1) From own experience, I have observed that now I write in a better and improved “style” from what I used to do in my early blogging days. It’s all normal, since early days are the most uncertain, shy, weak and experimenting moments. As you persevere with time, you should be doing much better, at least to a level with which you are satisfied with yourself. (Set some goals!)

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So, this “may” mean that some of my old posts are not to the level which I’m breeding now. It might not be to the same presentable fashion. Further, my readers might have some ambiguities and frustrations to read them. Do you want this to happen?

2) Polishing your post also means to fix broken anchor texts, removing non-existing links, remove and update videos and fixing grammars..etc

Did You Know?

The Google Spider is excited when it sees you are updating your blog, old posts and repairing dead links.

It’s time to dig that old archives to polish those diamonds and make them shine brighter than ever!

And How About Your Approach?

I did this activity myself for a couple of my old post, but I’m still not satisfied with some. So I think I will take some time with my archive this week.

And how about you, what is your approach?



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